Moving Out
Intent to Vacate Form
You will need to file an INTENT TO VACATE online at least fifteen (15) days before you intend to vacate. If you do not give us fifteen (15) days notice, you will still be charged rent for the fifteen (15) days after you inform us. The 15 days start on the day you submit your form. Failure to submit the Intent to Vacate/Room Move form prior to moving will result in an improper check-out/room move fee.
Check-Out Information Prior to Moving Out
Up to one week prior to your departure, Housing Maintenance will send email notification of your scheduled pre-moveout inspection with a Maintenance Technician that will include the date and time. A technician will walk the unit with you and note areas in the unit that need attention prior to your move-out to avoid furniture, paint or flooring repairs or custodial charges.
- All personal items and trash should be removed from the Unit/Room prior to turning in your keys.
- All areas in the unit are cleaned. If living in a shared unit, this will include your bedroom and common areas. If applicable, return all furniture to its proper location.
- Make sure there are no major damages to the unit/room.
- We encourage our residents to perform a final walk through of their unit/room and take pictures of the condition they are leaving it in prior to checking out and turning in the keys. Please send the pictures to fixit@caltech.edu
- Pick up a CHECK-OUT ENVELOPE. Located outside of the Housing Office front door.
- Follow "Checklist" below
- Arrange to have your mail forwarded at least two weeks prior to moving out through USPS. Caltech is not responsible for forwarding your mail.
- If applicable, inform your utility companies (e.g. telephone, internet, cable services) of your move and cancel or move the services as appropriate.
- Update your personal and emergency contact information with Caltech through your access account.
- If you have an account with the Bursar's Office and are leaving Caltech, please contact them at (626) 395-2988 for an exit interview before you depart.
- All door keys, mail keys, and remotes (if applicable) must be returned on your check-out day directly to the Housing Office located in the Center for Student Services (building 86, 1st floor next to green umbrellas).
- Use the drop box located to the right of the front door of the Housing Office.
- Your rent will be prorated according to the date when the keys were returned/received.
- Any keys not returned will result in a lock change at your expense.
Moving Out Procedures
- Remove all personal belongings. Be sure to check all drawers, cabinets, balconies/ patios and storage areas.
- Items left behind will be discarded and fees will apply.
- If applicable, remove any self-installed adhesive or nails from walls, doors and windows.
- Remove all food from the refrigerator and kitchen cupboards.
- Throw away all trash and clear away any items from the patio or balcony.
- CLEAN- ALL COMMON AREAS -Bathroom(s), Kitchen, Bedroom, Living Room and Patio/Balcony.
- If applicable, return furniture to its proper location. Remove all personal furniture.
- Any damages beyond what Caltech Housing deems normal wear and tear will be charged to the resident.
- If applicable, lock the door to your private bedroom. If you have roommates, they are not allowed to move into your room without permission from the Caltech Housing Office and filing the appropriate forms. Both parties will be charged the IMPROPER CHECK-OUT/ROOM MOVE FEE if this happens.
- Return the CHECK-OUT ENVELOPE with all keys/remotes to the Caltech Housing Office located in the Center for Student Services. If you vacate after business hours, there is a drop box located to the right of the front door of the Housing Office. Your rent will be prorated according to the date when the keys were received by the Housing Office.
- Failure to check-out properly will result in an IMPROPER CHECK-OUT/ROOM MOVE FEE as stated in your Housing Contract.