Emotional Support Animals Information
Students, postdocs and staff with documented disabilities may bring emotional support animals (ESAs) into campus housing. The Housing Office works closely with Caltech Accessibility Services for Students (CASS) and the Office of Student Experience (OSE) to ensure compliance with federal and state laws to help create a harmonious living experience for all residents.
ESA Accommodation Registration Process
- Students need to register through CASS for special accommodations.
- Staff living in Caltech housing need to contact Human Resources Disability and Leave Unit for more information.
Caltech Housing and the OSE will not collect any medical information from students or staff members.
- ESA Accommodation Approval: All personal medical information should be submitted to CASS or HR for approval. Once CASS or HR has approved the need for ESA accommodations, they will inform Housing and ORE, and approved individuals will be contacted by Housing for the next steps outlined below.
- ESA Agreement: If the ESA special accommodation is approved, the resident will receive an email from either the assistant director of Undergraduate Housing (for undergraduate students and staff living in UG housing) or the Graduate Housing Manager (for graduate students and staff living in graduate or postdoc housing). A meeting will be scheduled to review the ESA agreement with either the residential life coordinator or apartment manager.
- ESA Roommate Agreement: If the resident lives in a unit with roommates, the residential life coordinator or apartment manager will set up a meeting with the resident and any roommates to review the ESA Roommate Agreement with the full group so everyone understands the expectations and guidelines for maintaining an ESA on campus.
Once the resident has signed the ESA Agreement, the Housing Office will contact the resident to collect relevant information about the animal. Residents may use this Form to submit the required information. Documentation that will need to be collected includes:
- A photograph of the ESA
- Proof that the ESA has all required vaccinations, including, but not limited to distemper and rabies
- Proof of a current applicable licensure with the City of Pasadena (for dogs only)
- Proof of a spay/neuter certificate consistent with the City of Pasadena's ordinance (for dogs only)
- Proof of current flea treatment plan
Residents may not maintain any pets. Pets are strictly prohibited. If Resident is found with a pet or pets, Resident will be assessed a fine of $350.00. Resident will be given fourteen (14) calendar days from the date that notice of violation of the Pets section of their License Contract or Lease is violated to remove the pet(s) from the Premises. If Resident fails to remove the pet(s) within the fourteen (14) day period, their License Contract or Lease will be subject to revocation or termination and Resident and pet(s) will be removed from the Premises within five (5) calendar days of notice of failure to remove pet(s).
Please be aware that the Caltech Housing Pet Policy does not include emotional support animals or service animals. These animals go through a different approval process through our Caltech Accessibility Services for Students.