Isolate in Place - Housing & Dining
Moving forward, students will be instructed to isolate-in-residence and to follow the new isolation-in-residence guidelines from Student Wellness Services. These guidelines will be sent at the start of the isolate-in-residence period and emphasize the need to avoid contact with others, whenever possible, and promote the adoption of additional preventative measures, such as masking and personal cleaning and disinfection, to mitigate the spread of disease. At the start of the isolation period, Dining Services will contact students who test positive for COVID-19 to coordinate food pick up in the residence's dining area/servery. Students who are isolating in residence should avoid going to Red Door, Browne Dining Hall, Broad Cafe or any other campus dining venue.
Additionally, current planning will allow roommates of students who test positive for COVID-19 to elect to be temporarily relocated in Caltech Housing for the duration of their roommate's isolation period. At the start of the isolation period, roommates of students who test positive for COVID-19 will receive an email notification. In the email, they will be able to select "Yes" if they would like to opt into temporary alternative housing or "No" if they will stay in the room during their roommate's isolation period or if they will stay off campus during this period. If you do not receive an email after your roommate begins their isolation period, you should contact Student Wellness Services.
Students who select "Yes" will receive a separate email with check in instructions, their temporary assignment, and the combination to that room. Students moving to alternative housing should bring bedding and toiletries and anything else they may need during their roommate's isolation period, but access to buildings/rooms will not be changed. At the end of their roommate's isolation period, they will receive another email notification to return to their permanent assignment. Alternative housing will be in former isolation rooms in Braun House.
Guidelines for Healthy Roommates Who Share Sleeping Quarters:
- If you or your roommate have questions regarding underlying health conditions, please contact the Covid Management Team or the student Health Center at (626) 395-6393.
- If you choose to remain in your room:
- It is highly recommended for both roommates to wear a highly protective mask (N95) when they are in the room and keep a 6-ft distance, if possible.
- You may choose to limit time spent in the room with your roommate.
- Open the window to ventilate the room and use an air filter, if possible. Caltech Housing will provide air filters upon request subject to availability.
- It is recommended that you follow the exposure guidelines listed on the Caltech Together website.
- Clean or disinfect "high-touch" surfaces in the room frequently or after each use.
- If you start to experience symptoms, please report via the covid 19 reporting app:
- Please check your student portal for communication on how to test with Student Wellness Services.